Medical and Dental Activities and Health Services Provided in School
- Administer First – Aid
- Provide screening(BP, Height and Weight)
- Monitor Vital Signs
- Clean and change wound dressing
- Case management for Chronic Health Problems
- Provide nutritional counselling
- Provide mental health counselling
- Provide complex nursing case to students with special needs
- Employee wellness program
- Physical fitness program
- Conduct health risk appraisals to determine lifestyles practices
- Assist RHU’s personnel to conduct lecture and HIV screening
- Physical examination
- Provide students counselling
- Assist students for Dental check-up
- Refer students RHU Dentist for tooth extraction
- Provide physical and other primary health care services for school employees
- Refer married female students in RHU who are pregnant for prenatal check-ups.
- Monitoring the presence of infectious conditions among students and enforcing public health precautions to prevent infection and infestation
- Skilled nursing services for students with chronic and special health care needs
- Case management of students with chronic and special health care needs
- Outreach to students and families
- Interpretation of the health care needs of students to school personnel
- Development and implementation of emergency care plans and provisions of emergency care and first aid
- Serving as liaison for the school parents and community health agencies
- Ensure access to primary health care
- Provide mandated medical and dental screening
- Provide comprehensive and appropriate health education
- Provide healthful and safe school environment that facilitates learning
- Provide a system of evaluation of the effectiveness of the school health program